Assembly Instructions

Example for calculating the power

80 kg + 10 km/h (2,8 m/s) + 15% climbing = 80 kg x 9,98==81 (G) x 2,8 m/s x 15% = 329 Watt

(G = 9,81 = gravitational constant)

Step 1

Loosen the two high-grade steel screws and cut the rubber strips according to the diameter of your steering wheel.

Usually a small piece of the rubber strip is sufficient.

Step 2

Install the gradient meter by means of the two screws, not too firmly, so that you can still readjust.

Step 3

Sit on your bicycle in normal driving position and adjust the Skymounti in such a way that the measuring blister from this seating position can be read accurately between two zero-marks (0% – 0%).

Step 4

Fix Skymounti© in this position.
And do not tighten the screws by using to much force.

Step 5

For accurate reading of the momentarily driven upward gradient, the upward gradient is to be read from the front edge of the blister with mountain ramp.

With driving downhill the downward gradient at the rear to read (the driver turned) is edge of the blister.

If you need help with the assembly, please feel free to contact us.